Hampden Heritage

Archaeology, History, and Heritage in Central Baltimore

Monday, August 20, 2007

Labor Day Parade in Dundalk

Here's an announcement that I received from Bill Barry, Director of Labor Studies at Community College of Baltimore County (and one of the featured speakers at our public history workshop series back in 2004):

Don’t forget the biggest and best Labor Day Parade in Maryland—Monday, September 3, 2007—meet at CCBC Dundalk at 9 a.m. and we’ll walk through Dundalk to Heritage Park, where we can share our experiences in building the union movement.

Once again, we will feature the Labor Day band from Musicians Local 40-543, led by Ed Goldstein and Jack Hook.

Bring your friends, your union banners and your belief in solidarity.

For more pictures of last year’s parade, courtesy of Doug Schmenner, check out

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Official end of the field season

Well, the official end of the 2007 field season was on Friday. Most of our kids stuck it out until the end, and we celebrated with a barbecue. We have some more pictures that we'll be posting soon.

Also, Jolene and the kids have conducted three oral history interviews; she'll be sharing some of the interesting things that they learned as well.

Dave and I will be out finishing up some things Monday and Tuesday this week, so if you're walking by and see us there, be sure to stop and say hi.